Remote Athletes
We currently have a remote platoon of 20 athletes from all over the world and growing. Over the years we have perfected our remote system. However, every year we fine tune this system with updated science and changes from what we see collectively working or not working in the remote community. Remote coaching has a small downside to it. That is, that by nature it offers delayed feedback. This means you go through your training session without feedback lift by lift. We combat that by giving extremely detailed video feedback, being extremely communicative and offering zoom sessions when and if we hit a sticking point in technical improvements.
Our head coach does the majority of communication with our remote team. He is a National level coach in the governing body of USA Weightlifting. He is a graduate of California State Fullerton University with his Bachelors in Kinesiology. He also spent eight years in the Army Infantry with two combat deployments.
So how does this process work?
If you choose to move forward with remote coaching, please fill out this intake form. This form needs to be filled out to the best of your ability. It does not matter if it is in lbs or kg when you fill it out. If you don't have any data for it, that is completely fine. This intake form allows us to see another dimension of your physical disposition. It has the potential to show us strengths and weaknesses that the Olympic lifts can't show us.
To properly develop your individualized program, we will need to see you move. We will need to get a video of your snatch and clean and jerk from the front and directly from the side. If you have an established training total, videos of a single snatch and clean and jerk at 75-80% will do. If you don't have an established training total, we would like you to work to a technical PR. That means working up to a lift that terminates when technique breaks down.
You will submit a video from the front and from the side of one working set per Olympic exercise. So if you have 4 sets at 80%, the 80% is your working sets and we want a video from one of those. We don't want the best one, we want the worst one. You may be asked to send videos of other movements. For submission, if you have an iphone you will send them directly to coach Wes. If you have an android, we ask that you send your videos via whats app.
Video review is done two times a week, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Your videos will have a voice over on them as well as lots of marks and specific cues for you to focus on in following training days.
We keep it old school and still use excel. This link will help you get acquainted with and show you how to navigate your program. Your program will always be ready. There will be a new tab with dates available prior to the end of your current program, If you program isn't there, refresh the app.
Follow this link to common exercises you may see in your training program. If you are unfamiliar with the terms, this will be a huge help.
If you are a USAW member, please update your club affiliation to West Coast Weightlifting
If competition is your intent, we will look at your current level of qualification and discuss local qualifying meets in your area and national meets if applicable.
Once you decide if you are going to train 3,4,5,6 or 9 sessions a week, you will be sent a link via moonclerk to set up payment. Your payment will come out once a month on the day of checkout.